Saturday 29 June 2013

An Introduction to the History of Printing Press

The advent of the printing press has given a lot to the society without any doubt. It made it easier to spread the knowledge throughout the world.
First, the block or woodblock printing came in the limelight. It was first applied on the clothing. This is the reason why we find some beautiful designs on the pre-medieval and medieval costumes.  Later on, it was applied on the paper. “Diamond Sutra”, a Buddhist scripture, was the first published book of the world. It was published in China in 868 CE through woodblock printing.
But, there are several limitations of woodblock printing. The moveable type printing press solved the entire problem and the mass publishing became much easier. The moveable type press was first invented in China by Bi Sheng between 1041 and 1048. In the western world, it was discovered by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 CE. He first published Bible and soon this moveable-type became popular in various parts of the Europe. It played a major role in the spread of renaissance ideas.

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